● Explanation
- Apa itu MORe? What is MORe?
- MORe adalah cuctom rom. MORe is a custom rom.
- Kenapa namanya MORe? Why the name is MORe?
- MORe diambil dari kata ROM, dan kenapa MORe? karena orang Indonesia suka membalikkan kata-kata, jadi kata ROM itu saya balik menjadi MOR. Dan terpikir dalam bahasa inggris "more" yang tentunya dalam Bahasa Indonesia artinya "lebih" :D jadi filosofinya adalah ingin membuat ROM yang lebih baik aja, tidak banyak menghilangkan keaslian dari ROM tersebut tapi dengan fitur dan performa yang lebih baik. MORE derived from ROM, and why more? Because people in Indonesia prefer to reverse the words, so "ROM" it becomes "MOR". And i think in English "more" is certainly in Indonesian means "lebih". So the philosophy is to create a better ROM, does not eliminate many of the authenticity of the ROM, but with features and better performance.
Changelog for V.1.4
- New kernel
- Overclocked up to 864Mhz
- Governors and I/O Schedullers
- Performance as default Gov
- SIO as default Sched
- Added feature StatusBarTweaks (clock, battery,battery bar,signal,transparancy) credit to Parasmi, pvyParts, and RomanBB
- Boot Animation and Boot Sound from Andro-ID credit to TJ-Style (thanks for permission)
- Scrolling Cache and Volume Step credit to AndroidON
- Enable / Disable CRT Animation
- 6x8 Quickpanel layout
- TouchWiz with transparent status bar
- 5 icon dock
- 5x3 app drawer
- Improve performance
- MOD some UI
- Back to ODEX
- Remove some GoogleApps (you can download it from PlayStore)
What i remove
- Gmail.apk
- GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
- Quickoffice.apk
- Street.apk
- Swype.apk
- talkback.apk
- VoiceSearch.apk
- YouTube.apk
● For installation:
- You must Flash your phone with Android 2.3.x firmware from the official page (sammobile.com)
- You must have ClockworkMod Recovery
- Tartition your sdcard (optional)
- Download ROM and Extract and save it on the root your SD card
- Reboot your phone into the ClockworkMod Recovery
- Wipe your Data and Cache
- Format System
- Select "install zip from sd" and chose the ROM you have downloaded
- Enjoy.
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